In 2024, Acquaint went from having only a few volunteers in Syria to hundreds signing up, inspiring us to write this blog. From our headquarters in the US, hearing first-hand accounts of the real-time changes taking place in Syria has been a humbling experience.
There are many stories online and in the news about what has been happening in Syria over the last few weeks and years. However, we've learned many times that what we hear in the media often biases how we see each other. It can cover up our common humanity along with the richness of people and their culture.
While working on this blog, we realized that no single narrative could do justice to the complexity of Acquaint volunteers. Looking beyond the news allows us to see ourselves in each other.
To this end, we'd invite you to explore these Acquaint stories about Syrian volunteers and their conversation partners, not as a complete narrative, but as a testament to people's incredible and complex nature.

*Countries with Acquaint volunteers are shaded in green. Syria is highlighted in orange.
Ahmad’s Story
Acquaint Volunteer, Syria
Since I’ve started volunteering with Acquaint, I realized how easy it is to connect with other people who come from different countries and different cultures as long as you are ready to erase stereotypes and ready to appreciate the difference. I’m so thankful that I’ve had the opportunity to talk with people who are from different parts of the world. All of the conversations that I’ve had on Acquaint taught me a lot; each in a different and unique way. During the sessions, I had the chance to discuss a wide variety of topics including food, traditions, languages, and sometimes even goals, dreams, and future plans! When It comes to me, I always love to tell the member I’m having a session with about Syrian food because I feel that food is one of the most important parts of every culture. In addition to our rich history and historical sites, Damascus, the capital city of Syria, is actually the oldest continuously inhabited capital city in the world!

Harry’s Story
Acquaint Volunteer, USA

One of my favorite TedTalks was hearing Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie discuss the danger of a single story. Her point is that when we hear only one narrative about a group of people or a culture, it leads to stereotypes and a distorted understanding. I love Acquaint so much because I have the opportunity to hear multiple stories from people coming from the same country. On Acquaint, we share our multifaceted identities and personal journeys.
Over the past year, I’ve engaged with a diverse group of individuals from Syria, spanning various ages, locations, and backgrounds. Their stories reflect a wide range of experiences, from one living in Turkey and others in different parts of Syria to others with Kurdish heritage. This group includes both men and women, each navigating their unique paths. Despite their different circumstances—ranging from a high school graduate to those with advanced degrees—common threads emerged in our conversations. Many shared a love for literature and the arts, discussing books like The Brothers Karamazov and Frankenstein (and the author Murakami), as well as personal interests such as music, football, biking, and cooking. The appreciation for shared cultural experiences and traditional foods was a recurring theme.
Our discussions also revealed a collective desire for peace and a better future. Whether reflecting on the challenges of being a refugee, the impact of ongoing conflict, or dreams for personal and societal improvement, the longing for stability and connection was evident. This sense of shared humanity was further underscored by moments of laughter and mutual understanding, emphasizing how, despite our different lives, we are all connected by our common hopes and joys.
Along with doing more research on the topics that they shared with me, I made Shakriya (a Syrian Lamb Yogurt Soup—see pictures below which include a vegetarian version), read a version of Mem and Zin, and watched an episode of Your Lie in April.

Jana’s Story
Acquaint Volunteer, Syria

Interesting topics to go through with Syrians: As many of you may know, Acquaint is a lot about asking good questions. As a Syrian and a volunteer in Acquaint, I would like to suggest some engaging topics that I think you will both enjoy and learn from discussing them if you got paired with or met a person from Syria. Those are language, culture, and food.
- Languages: Even though the majority of Syrians speak Arabic as their first language, many others speak some different languages such as Kurdish, Turkish, Neo-Aramaic (four dialects), Circassian , Armenian and many others. It's worthy to mention that beside different languages there are many dialects and accents in each one of them. For example, within the Syrian Arabic itself, a wide range of dialects and accents exist namely Shamiya, Halabiya, Hamwiya, Homsiya... etc. All that makes it a very rich subject to talk over.
- Food: Syria is famous for its delicious and diverse dishes, ranging from traditional meals like Tabbouleh and grilled meats with an ancient folklore touch to fast street foods like Falafel and Shawarma. Every village in Syria adds its unique touch to these dishes, making Syria one of the richest countries in culinary delights. Particularly renowned are the dishes from Damascus and Aleppo, which are well-known throughout the Levant region. If you are a cooking and food enthusiast, I suggest seizing the opportunity to connect with Syrians to obtain a tasty recipe from our country.
- Culture: The oldest alphabet in the world and I come from the same city. It's maybe enough to tell you how old Syria is and to give you a clue how rich is the Syrian culture. Syria is known for its ethnic and religious diversity, as well as the harmonious blend of its civilizations, with ancient origins dating back from Palmyra to Bosra Sham. Additionally, in Syria lies the oldest inhabited capital in history, Damascus. Therefore, it is fair to say that every Syrian has a unique, beautiful, and inspiring story to share. Finally, I am sharing with you an exclusive picture of a dish of Tabbouleh that a friend of mine made for me.

Nereida’s Story
Acquaint Volunteer, Cape Verde

Talking with Syrian volunteers through Acquaint has been one of the most meaningful experiences, as they shared their lives, dreams, and challenges with incredible warmth and resilience. One volunteer, Sous, spoke about Syria’s education system, helping me imagine his world. At the same time, Syrian women share their hopes for a better future despite obstacles. Another volunteer introduced me to Kurdish traditions like Newroz and Halawat Al-Jibn, showcasing Syria’s rich cultural diversity. Despite what is happening in Syria’s government, including ongoing instability and hardships, I feel deeply closer after these conversions, as I now better understand the struggles they face every day. These experiences remind me of the power of connection, breaking down barriers, and cultivating empathy for a more compassionate world.
Overcoming the Barrier of Sanctions
Alex, CTO, Acquaint, USA

Upon having hundreds of volunteers sign up for Acquaint from Syria, we realized there was a problem. Many Syrians could not connect to Acquaint and were getting a "Blocked" message when they tried to visit our website. Some of our vendors, by policy, blocked IP addresses from Syria due to sanctions put in place by the United States government. To connect on Acquaint, volunteers located in Syria had to use VPNs.
Whether it is due to sanctions or other reasons, many digital opportunities are not available to people globally. News in the US seemed to imply that the sanctions were a good thing but neglected the fact that they come at a human cost, in this case, to an entire country. Most people affected by the sanctions had nothing to do with the reasons they were implemented.
We wanted to eliminate barriers to volunteers accessing Acquaint. Fortunately, the USA Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC) offers "general licenses" for some humanitarian, educational, and other activities, including Acquaint. To get volunteers direct access to Acquaint, we needed to go to our software vendors to lift IP-based restrictions based on these "general licenses." We weren't confident this would work because it seemed like these big companies had little incentive to help us. But to their credit, they have specific processes for lifting IP blocks that put us in contact with their legal/compliance teams. Thank you to Okta and Twilio!
In the following weeks, it was exciting to see our platform become easier for many more people to access. Although it remains to be seen at the time of writing this article, the recent change of government in Syria may erase the need for these exceptions if sanctions are lifted.
Notes of Appreciation

This collection of appreciation notes between some Syrian volunteers and their session partners offers a glimpse into meaningful conversations. After connecting for Acquaint sessions, volunteers have the opportunity to write a reflection expressing gratitude for what they have learned and experienced.
"I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for such a wonderful session. One thing I learned from you is how deeply connected we are through our shared aspirations, despite being from different countries. Hearing about your experiences in Syria opened my eyes to the common dreams we have for a better future, no matter where we come from. Our conversation, especially about our countries—Nigeria and Syria—had a big impact on my day. It reminded me of why I joined Acquaint: my passion for providing services to mankind in simple yet meaningful ways, something I’ve been doing for over a decade. My favourite part of our session was when we talked about languages, hobbies, and foods. It was so interesting to hear about your favourite dishes and how much these cultural details reflect who we are as people. I also wanted to encourage you based on what you shared about your life goals and passion. I know that with your dedication, you’ll continue making an incredible difference in the world, just as you’ve already started doing. Finally, I just want to express my gratitude. Thank you for sharing your time, insights, and personal experiences—it made our conversation both meaningful and enjoyable. Looking forward to our next session!" -Abiodun, Nigeria, written for Abdallah, Syria
"It was a pleasure talking to somebody from Brazil as this was the first time I spoke to someone from there. Letícia is 26 of age, and now lives in Washington where she both studies IT and also works at a restaurant, which makes her a diligent person. She was really funny and genuine in her conversation with me. Another interesting thing about her is that she speaks Portuguese and English as well as Spanish. I learned from Letícia that the language in Portugal and Brazil is not similar although it is the same language. Also, I told her some things about the Kurdish culture. Thank you so much Letícia and have a blessed life!" -Bahmand, Syria, written for Letícia, Brazil
"It's wonderful to talk to an energetic and friendly girl with the cheerful laughter. I wish you will be successful in your special education career for Syrian children and global also. Perhaps, children will love your laughter so much, Mariam!" -Quynh, Vietnam, for Mariam, Syria
"It was so nice to meet you Adeeba! you have a wonderful laugh. It was really nice getting to talk to a sweet mother and grandmother. I will check out Abida Parveen. And I hope you will check out Umm Kulthum and Fairuz. Best wishes for you and your family!" -Maya, Syria, for Adeeba, Pakistan

Through these perspectives, we see the immense power of individual connections to encourage curiosity about the world and each other. The conversations shared by Syrian Acquaint volunteers and their fellow global citizens highlights personal stories and insights, while also reminding us of something deeper: the news media often provides only a limited view of any country or community. By engaging in one-on-one conversations, we uncover the nuanced, human stories that rarely make headlines. These dialogues encourage us to move beyond stereotypes and incomplete narratives, inspiring us to learn more—not just about Syria, but about the diverse cultures and individuals who shape our world. As we step into the new year, let’s embrace opportunities to connect as individuals, to ask questions, and to listen with open hearts and minds. Through genuine curiosity and empathy, we can build a more connected and compassionate world, one conversation at a time!